How does all this work?
The tool has a back-end, i.e. Knowledge Management (KM) connected to a front-end, i.e. Business Intelligence (the AACROSS© Decision Support System on Internet).
This connection is done through our OPT-TIK© engine (OPTimal Technologies for Intelligent Knowledge management).
First of all, in order to be able to evaluate any POS, the AACROSS decision model (also called a preference model) has been built up, that’s what is done in KM.
To do so, based on ‘experts’ judgment:
- we’ve first structured the problem by identifying the most relevant evaluation criteria
- and then we’ve built up the preference model, based on which the performance of any POS can now be computed.
To evaluate your sales network within a period of time (e.g. monthly, quarterly, yearly,…), you must first collect data of each POS and fill in the on-line input form for each of them.
By completing the form of each POS, its AACROSS© score is automatically calculated through the OPT-TIK engine and be available for interpretation.
All the results for the evaluation exercise can then be consulted on-line through various graphs or tables.
Those results will give you all the necessary intelligence in order to assess the current level of performance of your sales network but as well to find out which POS’s will need improvement in priority and which decision levers to activate on which POS in order to increase this performance level.